Omega 2 Counting Method

In order to get potential benefit in any hand it needs some calculation because omega II is a balanced system. Balanced means count will be zero again after finishing all deck of cards. Players of any multi -deck game can get true count by taking the RC and dividing the number of decks so far to deal in the game. As for example, suppose you are playing a 4 deck game. Also guess one deck is already dealt and another three deck in remaining in the shoe. So RC is 3 and remaining count is 3. In this situation the actual count is (3/3) that means plus- 1. This is the additional step which adds more calculation time at the time of game playing. This step also raises the system's difficulty. You need more and more practice to get high calculation speed which is essential for making difference in casino game black jack.

There are some differences between traditional and modern omega II. Conventional plus-1, 0, minus-1 point method in Omega II is changed. Plus-2 method is also assigned to some cards. The values of omega II are given bellow-

A 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
0 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1

Few Examples of Running count using Omega II System

Some examples of points in action are given bellow:

When first card is 10 then running count is-2

When second card is 4 then running count is-0

When third card is 2 then running count is- +1

When 4th card is 5 then running count is- +3

If you play single deck game then the RC is enough for making betting decision. But for a four deck game true count is essential.

There is another step in Omega II although which is not a part of the Omega II, it is a good idea. This is the side count of Aces. Knowing the number of Aces already dealt and remaining is an important idea when playing Blackjack.

As the complexity of Omega II is higher, it is better for learners to begin with a simple system and practice more and more. It is a balanced system and true count is a vital issue here. So the beginners should practice. Though Omega II is little slower, and also harder to professional, but it offers more accuracy at the time of play.

Suggested Book of Omega II count:

There are many books for Omega II count but by Bryce Carlson, Blackjack for Blood perhaps best book to learn Omega II counting system.